torsdag den 4. november 2010
Crocodile Samurai
a quick sketch of a crocodile samurai guard. It was supposed to be a japanese style armour. Don't know if it looks to much like an apron? Done with a ballpoint pen and some Photoshop coloring
tirsdag den 26. oktober 2010
Forest Backround from Barda
Here is a background i did for Fabulab for the Barda show last year. Barda is an half animated half liveaction show set in a fantasy world filled with orc as elves and the likes. It is painted using only Photoshop.
mandag den 18. oktober 2010
Gift i Grønt - a poster
Poster for organic foods. It was made for an idea competetion (it did not win. I guess it was to gloomy)
The title "Gift i Grønt" means Poison in Green.
It was done in vectors using only Adobe Flash and a Wacom tablet.
torsdag den 14. oktober 2010
torsdag den 16. september 2010
torsdag den 9. september 2010
TV people
people i saw on tv this evening. I've got stacks of these a4's with tv-people, I'll try and scan some of them one of these days.
søndag den 5. september 2010
fredag den 3. september 2010
fredag den 13. august 2010
torsdag den 12. august 2010
onsdag den 11. august 2010
torsdag den 5. august 2010
tirsdag den 3. august 2010
28'th Sketchcrawl at Dyrehaven

see more from the Copenhagen Sketchcraw
torsdag den 29. juli 2010
Lars Von Trier
A quick pencil sketch of Lars Von Trier, who just had the first press meeting for his new film Melancholia, starring the Kief and the Dunst.
tirsdag den 27. juli 2010
Big Fat Crocodile
onsdag den 14. juli 2010
Danny Trejo
Finally I finished coloring the inked drawing of Danny Trejo. Adding some halftones patterns and scratching in photoshop.
lørdag den 10. juli 2010
Steven Segal
The "Under Siege" movie was on tv last night, so I just sketched Steven while he was busy beating up the bad guys.
fredag den 9. juli 2010
Danny Trejo
Danny Trejo stars in "Machete!" alongside Steven Segal and Robert De Niro. If you haven't seen the trailer yet. Here it is:
onsdag den 30. juni 2010
The Backstreets of Rome
I'm just back from holidays in Rome. This is a sketch of one of the backstreets in the center of Rome. I'm not sure where it is or what it is. The bells suggest a church.
onsdag den 26. maj 2010
mandag den 24. maj 2010
Chales Burns & Daniel Clowes at Komiks

Yesterday I was at Komiks, in Øksnehallen, Copenhagen.
There I had a chance to to draw Charels Burns and Daniel Clowes at their talks.
torsdag den 20. maj 2010
søndag den 16. maj 2010
Faces from the 27'th Sketchcrawl in Copenhagen
Fellow sketcher; Katja.

And some guy in the Café Republik in Statens Museum for Kunst where this Sketchcrawl was held
torsdag den 15. april 2010
fredag den 12. marts 2010
Line is drawing
Another drawing from the latest Sketchcrawl here in Copenhagen. Done on al cold day in the Central Trainstation.
mandag den 8. marts 2010
søndag den 28. februar 2010
Rune is drawing
from the 26'th world wide sketchcrawl. The Copenhagen Chapter. Rune Ryberg drinking coffee and drawing little people in his book at Fiske Torvet (the "Fish Square", which isn't square and not a fish at all)
tirsdag den 26. januar 2010
The Wedding Illustration
with the Basilica San Sebastian in the background. It was done with ink on paper and the colored using Photoshop
lørdag den 2. januar 2010
Daniel Craig
Casino Royal was just on the telly. Had my pencil at hand, and got this sketch done during the film. Hadn't seen it before. Guess I'm 3 years behind with my comment. But what a great update to the Bond series.
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